HomeIFTTTSen. Blackburn: Trump administration had 'right' plan for Afghanistan Sen. Blackburn: Trump administration had 'right' plan for Afghanistan 0 RUCZENO August 15, 2021 Top Post Ad Top Post Responsive Ads code (Google Ads) Sen. Blackburn: Trump administration had 'right' plan for Afghanistan Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., slams the Biden administration and says seeing 20 years of gains disappear in Afghanistan is heartbreaking. via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/3yQHnUy Below Post Ad Below Post Responsive Ads code (Google Ads) Tags FOX NEWS IFTTT Newer Cuomo successor Kathy Hochul vows to 'fully cooperate' with COVID nursing home probe Older Pentagon blames Afghan army in closed House briefing: 'You can't buy willpower'